post-title A Travel Playlist?

A Travel Playlist?

A Travel Playlist?

Quest News

<!–[endif]–>One of the best bits about packing for a trip – if I’m honest, maybe the only good bit – is sorting out what music to take with.  Gone are the awkward days of a bulky pile of CDs, or even cassette tapes, depending on your age….I still love my tapes.  But anyway, now the music business has got seriously small, it means it’s really easy to take as much music as you want with you.

Taking this guy’s advice, you need “a collection of songs that sum up your whole gap year experience and that listening to later on in life will instantly bring you back to that special time.”  And whilst I am concerned at his choice of ‘The Lion Sleeps Tonight’, I reckon that’s pretty decent advice.

Back to the serious business of choosing the travel playlist…it’s a tough one.  Do you go for the worthy ‘cool’ music in a bid for respec’ (is my cover blown??), or do you just fill it up with cheese?  Decisions, decisions.  I always try for a reasonable spread of songs to match each mood, but here’s my five-song list of decent travel songs…

Toto – Africa

Well, it had to be…

Bedouin Soundclash – When the Night

“I’m on the rocky road…” – awesome happy tune.


Ayub Ogada – Kothbiro

This is on the soundtrack for the Constant Gardener, such a beautiful song.

Beach Boys – Good Vibrations Or some kind of bus-related vibrations anyway.

Paul Simon – Graceland

Not a very original choice, but great song.

Jerry Marcoss – Samy Mafoaka

From my crazy Madagascan bus journeys – I will never forget this intro!

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