post-title Gap Fairs this week in Reading and Oxford

Gap Fairs this week in Reading and Oxford

Gap Fairs this week in Reading and Oxford

Quest News

St Edwards School Oxford

If you are thinking of taking a Gap Year but are not sure what your options are then why not come along to one of the two Gap Year Fairs happening in Reading and Oxford this week. A whole range of Gap Year providers will be there, including ourselves to answer any of your questions.

If you want to find out any informaiton on our projects & expeditions, want advice on travel in South America and Afirca or just some general Gap Year guidance then come and say hello to Sarah this Thursday and Friday.

Thursday 30th September – Leighton Park School, Reading from 4-6pm

Friday 1st October – St Edward’s School, Oxford from 12:15-3:30pm

Directions to Leighton Park School are available here and directions to St Edward’s School can be found here.



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