post-title Kenya Team – Human cluedo & homestays

Kenya Team – Human cluedo & homestays

Kenya Team – Human cluedo & homestays

Quest News

Here’s what Team Kenya have been up to in week number 2 at their project sites…this update courtsey of James…

2 work weeks down, 2 to go, and no-one has a clue where the time has gone. Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday were spent at the Malaika dam, finishing off the extension we had had a glimpse of last week, with mixing cement very much the task of the three days. Thursday and Friday were spent at Kipiko, where they are building their first dam, and it is here where we are spending all of next week as well.

It does seem that we are getting the hang of how to carry out the tasks we have to do, although Jason’s strength and tenacity is an example to the rest of us. The introduction of real Cluedo (where everyone draws out a name, ‘weapon’ and place to commit their ‘murder’) has proved to be a particular highlight of the week, with varying levels of intelligence and success being used to attempt to commit people’s deeds, Ran being fooled into thinking a table tennis net could be a bandage being one example.

Another highlight has been the introduction of Mandazi to our diets, which basically are empty donuts, but now they make the already good tasting porridge even better. The weekend was spent living with some of the locals we are working alongside at the Kipiko dam, seeing how they go about their days and attending their churches, as well as exploring the area around the dam. This was a truly insightful experience, and our hosts could not have been more welcoming, even if this could not prevent Emmy waking James up 10 times during the night thinking the wind was going to kidnap them.
So this week has flown by, so all the remains to say is roll on next week.

Intrepid Quest leader Rose has also shared with us her Kamba name – Mbaika – meaning not “Beautiful young girl” as she was first told but instead “Beautiful young goat”. Good going Rose!

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