post-title Malawi Team Touch Down!

Malawi Team Touch Down!

Malawi Team Touch Down!

Quest News

Our 12 Malawi Orphans & Community
Project volunteers have this morning touched down into Lilongwe airport, and
are off on their way down to Blantyre, ready to head to the project site
tomorrow.  All the team arrived tired but
excited, to be greeted by their leader Eoin and Malawian assistant Joseph.

Following the weekend spent acclimatising
and getting to know the communities, the team will be getting stuck into
building a new orphan feeding centre in the rural village of Mwandika, where
currently there is none.  These centres,
staffed by amazing local Malawian ladies, provide orphans and vulnerable
children in the community with at least one hot meal a day, as well as some
basic pre-school education. The generous volunteers have also brought out a
whole load of toys and games for the children to use once the centre is
completed, as currently they have nothing. 
The volunteers will be staying in an empty school dormitory (beds and mattresses,
what luxury!) in the nearby village of Malilo and walking the twenty minutes to
site every day…a good way to get the heart pumping for work!

Follow their progress here!

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