post-title Successful businessmen who didn’t need uni

Successful businessmen who didn’t need uni

Successful businessmen who didn’t need uni

Quest News

Were fine without Uni 

So we’re told that university is the path to a good career and a successful life. Yes that’s true for many but it’s definitely not for everyone. Here are a few names who didn’t finish uni, but didn’t do too badly for themselves either:

Sir Alan Sugar

Sir Richard Branson

Bill Gates

Bernie Ecclestone

Robin Rowland (owner of Yo! Sushi)

And that was just after 5 minutes of looking online. This isn’t a call to abandon further education, just a reminder that, if university turns out not to be an option this year, all is not lost, what you can gain and learn from the real world can be just as useful, if not much moreso. So get out there!

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