post-title Top Tips for Gap Year Fundraising

Top Tips for Gap Year Fundraising

Top Tips for Gap Year Fundraising

Quest News

Fundraising for your Gap Year may seem like a daunting task, however there are many avenues of potential funding you can explore to help you raise the money you need. These range from organising a crazy sponsored event to writing to charitable and grant making trusts. Just remember, most people are going to be unwilling to support you to party on the beach for a few months, however if you are doing something worthwhile with your time you should have many options available to you.

Work out how much you need to raise, when you need to raise it by and organise your time accordingly. Setting aside time to really plan your fundraising efforts will ultimately lead to them being more succesful. Make sure that everybody is aware of what you are doing, friends, family and even local newspapers and radio. The more people who know about what you are doing, the more likely it that you will find people willing to help you out and the more money you will be able to raise.

Have a read through our Top Tips for Gap Year Fundraising to get started in the right direction.

Good luck!

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