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Quest News

Benefit Concert for Joshua Orphan Care Trust

For all you classical music lovers – and supporters of the Joshua Orphan Care Trust – there will be a fundraising concert taking place at the Jacqueline du Pré Music Centre, St Hilda’s College, Oxford on 23rd March 2010. The Oxford Young Artists perform a concert of exciting new works by: Nicholas Hooper – Award […]

Galapagos sea lions on the move

For the first time ever, a colony of sea lions unique to the Galapagos islands has decided to move house. They have swum over a thousand miles to the Peruvian coastal port of Piura, and have set up home there. It is believed this has only recently become possible because of climate change. The average […]

Danilos Diet Latest – 128kgs!

Latest news from Danilo’s fundraising challenge, another heart warming video! He started this challenge in November, with the aim to drop from 140kgs (22 stone) to 100kgs (15 stone). He’s almost halfway there, well done chico! It’s for a great cause, to raise money to expand the school in Villa Maria. Click here if you […]

Andean Solution to Cold Heads

Yes it’s a hat! But not just any hat, it’s the Andean Chullo. First used in the South American highlands by farmers looking to combat the bitter cold and the biting wind, it has now gained fashion kudos across the western world and can be bought on pretty much any high street. I’m sure my […]

Digital Camera Photographer of the Year

Check out the stunning winning photographs from the 2010 Digital Photographer of the Year Competition. Some truly incredible moments have been captured! Above: The Overall Winner and winner of the Adrenaline Category – by Jon Wright, Australia Runner-Up in the Adrenaline Category – by Buchachon Petthanya, Thailand Winner of the Travel Category – by Kamarulzaman […]

Postcards from Bolivia Team 2

Here in the office we love getting postcards from our teams overseas, so thanks Bolivia 2 for these two beauties!   Follow in the footsteps of Bolivia Team 2 2010 and take join one of our Gap Teams working in the Animal Sanctuaries next year.  

Bolivia Team 2 Update – Sucre week one

Week 1 The team discover why happy hour is happy… many times… After a gruelling flight everyone arrived in one piece…and those who weren´t so fortunate were quickly fixed by a few blasts of oxygen from the airport clinic (La Paz is 4000m high, it can take your breath away…). Sucre is beautiful. We arrived […]

Funds still pouring in for Villa Maria

It’s been over two years now since Katie’s friends and family started supporting our project in Villa Maria, and their dedication has never waned. A hugely successful salsa night near Tewkesbury, a bake sale in the corridors of Watson Wyatt in Westminster, several sponsored runs and many other fantastic efforts has helped to give homes […]

Villa Maria Team, goodbye to the project

Written by Emma Beaumont. It should actually be read before the expedition update, but we just post them when we receive them… As a short disclaimer, this update is incredibly late due to a number of reasons, that are definitely not my fault, I assure you. Waking up with the towering spectacle of Jesus watching […]

Villa Maria Update – First of the Expedition Phase

Leaving the people at Villa Maria proved to be quite emotional for everyone. We realised how much the Peruvians give to this cause and now think Alejandro, Pato, Lucho and the whole team to be some of the most inspirational people we have ever met. As we were walking away the children from the Quest […]

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